Shipwreck island game for kids

Shipwreck island game for kids Funny Kids Games

Shipwreck island game for kids Funny Kids Games Shipwreck island game for kids Funny Kids Games

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Name: Shipwreck island game for kids

a) Material Required:

1. Chalked circles of various sizes.

b) Rules:

funny games 1. Players told that standing in island is safe.
2. Capacity of circles
Small - 1 person
Medium - 2 people
Large - 3 people

c) Description of Game:

fun games 1. Start the game and players are to move out side the marked area and move around
2. When given the signal (Either when the music stops or the leader shouts "Sharks").
3. Players have to find a hoop to stand in. Those who didn't find a hoop to stand in are out.
4. Keep on reducing the circle
5. At the end the player left is Shipwreck island game for kids winner

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